Professor ElRasheid Sulieman Modawi
- Date April 20, 2024
Professor ElRashied Suleiman Modawi, a Sudanese national born on September 15, 1952, boasts a rich academic and professional background in genetics and biological sciences. Holding a Ph.D. in Genetics from Kansas State University, USA, his expertise extends across various prestigious academic institutions and research endeavors. Prof. Modawi’s career spans decades, from teaching at several University to his current role as the Director of the Arab Open University in Sudan since October 2016.
Throughout his career, Prof. Modawi has held numerous academic and administrative positions, including professorships at universities in Sudan, Jordan, and the United Arab Emirates. His extensive teaching record covers a wide array of subjects, including genetics, molecular biology, botany, and biotechnology, among others. He has also contributed significantly to research, with a focus on plant genetics, adaptation to arid environments, and biodiversity conservation. Prof. Modawi’s academic management experience, combined with his membership in scientific societies and participation in symposia and conferences worldwide, underscores his profound contributions to the fields of genetics and biological sciences. Additionally, his publications and awards reflect his commitment to advancing scientific knowledge and addressing critical issues such as climate change, biodiversity conservation, and food security.
Selected publications:
- Modawi, R.S., E.G. Heyne, D. Brunetta and W. Willis,(1982). Genetic studies of field reaction to wheat soil-borne mosaic virus. Plant Diseases, 66: 1183-84.
- Modawi, R.S. and E.G. Heyne (1982) Breeding winter wheat cultivars resistant to soil borne mosaic virus. Abstract. Proceedings of the Kansas Academy of Science, September 1982, Winfield Kansas, UAS.
- Modawi, R.S. and L.E. Browder (1981). Probable genotypes of Triticumaestivum for reaction to Pucciniarecondita. American Phytopathological Society, Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City 1981.
- Modawi, R.S. , L.E. Browder and E.G. Heyne, (1985). The use of infection type data to identify genes for low reaction to Pucciniarecondita in several winter wheat cultivars. Crop Science 25: 9-13 .
- Modawi, R.S., L.E. Browder and E.G. Heyne, (1985). Genes for low reaction to Pucciniarecondita in Newton Hard Red Winter Wheat. Crop Science25: 13-16.
- Modawi, R.S., L.E. Browder and E.G. Heyne, (1985). Reduced receptivity to infection associated with wheat gene Lr2c for low reaction to Pucciniarecondita. Phytopathology 75:573-576.
- Modawi, R.S., A.Y.M. Nour, A.H. Ahmed, A.B. Mohammed and A.E.S. Ibrahim, (1985). Irrigated summer forages for small dairy farmers in Rahad Agricultural Scheme (Sudan) : On-farm trials. In: “ Research methodology for livestock on-farm trials. T.L. Nordblom and A.H. Ahmed (Eds.). Proceedings of workshop held in Aleppo, Syria, March 1985. Proceeding series IDRC-24 2e. International Development Research Center (IDRC), Ottawa, Canada”.
- Modawi, R.S., M. Fujii and T. Horie, (1987). Cultivar differences of rice in water stress resistance at early growth stages. Rep. Soc. Crop Sci. Breed. Kinki , 32: 54-59.
- Ibrahim, A.E.S., R.S. Modawi and A.E.A. Haroun.(1989).The effect of seed rate, nitrogen fertilizer and cutting time on forage yield and quality of phillipesara(VignatrilobataVerdc.) East Afr. Agric. For. J. 55 (2) :45-51.
- Ibrahim, A.E.S., R.S. Modawi and A.A. Ahmed,(1990). Variability and interrelations of grain yield and its components in lablab beans ( Lablabpurpureus L.) Emirates J. Agric. Sci. 2: 65-80.
- Modawi, R.S., A.A. Elmugith and E.S. Hassan, (1992). Antimicrobial activity and mitotic abnormalities induced by Stachybotrysatra metabolites on onion roots. Nucleus, 35(1): 25-27.
- Ahmed, A.H., M.A. Duwairi and R.S. Modawi, (1993). Wheat production in The United Arab Emirates.Emirates J. Agric. Sci. 5: 183-198
- Modawi, R.S., Y.M., Ibrahim and S.A.Wahab, (1993). Preliminary evaluation of some forage legumes for summer productivity in U.A.E.Emirates J. Agric. Sci.5: 53-58.
- Modawi, R.S., S.A. Wahab and Y.M. Ibrahim (1995). Productivity of six forage legumes at different sowing dates in the United Arab Emirates. Legume Research 18:(2) 117-120.
- Modawi, R.S.,A.B., Mohamed, and R. Abdelrahman (1996). Intercropping of butterfly pea and forage sorghum at different planting pattern and seed rates. East Afr. J. Agric. Forest.61
- Modawi, R.S. and S. A.Wahab(1996) . Induced mutagenisis for seedling characteristics in Lablab purpureus L. under condition of high salinity. The Nucleus vol. 39: (3) 114-117.
- Modawi, R.S. and Al Ansari, F.M. (1999) Heterogeneity in total RNA content in populations of Acacia tortilis from UAE. The Third Conference on Biotechnology, Al al-Bayt University, Al Mafraq, Jordan 1999.
- Al Ansari, F.M. and Modawi, R.S.(2001) Variation and in seedling characteristics of five spatially isolated populations of Acacia tortilis from the United Arab Emirates in response to increasing sodium chloride concentration. Journal of Sultan Qaboos University, Science and Technology,6(2001)15-19.
- Modawi, R.S. and Abu Rabei, A.H.(2001). The effect of temperature and pH on seed germination of Peganumharmala L from different locations in Jordan. Al-Manarah ,Vol 7, no.1:115-122.
- AbdElaleem,Khadiga G.,Modawi,Rashied S. and Khalafalla, Mutasim M. (2009). Effect of growth regulators on callus induction and plant regeneration in tuber segment culture of potato(Solanumtuberosum L.) cultivar Diamant. African Journal of Biotechnology, Vol 8(11):2529-2534.
- Seedahmed,A. Mohammed and Modawi, Rashied S. (2009). Sudanes tomatoes are ready for transformation: An efficient protocol for regeneration of a Sudanese local cultivar of Tomato(Solanumlycopersicon Var. Allakarim). International Journal of Biotechnology and Biochemistry.Vol 5(3):231-241.
- Mutasim M. Khalafalla , Khadiga G. AbdElaleem and RasheidS.Modawi (2010) Callus formation and organogenesis of potato (Solanumtuberosum l.) cultivar almeraJournal of Phytology 2(5): 40–46
- Mohammed, El TahirI.,Mohamed, BaboF.,Modawi, Rashied S., Khidir, AbdelrahmanandIdris, Yousif M. A. (Co-authors and member of the team for update of) Sudan National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (2010-2020) for conservation of biological diversity as a commitment to the Conference on Biological Diversity(CBD),October 2013,Higher Council for Environment and Natural Resources, Khartoum Sudan.
- AbdElaleem,Khadiga G. Modawi,Rashied S. and Khalafalla, Mutasim M. (2015). Micro tuber induction of two potato (Solanumtuberosum L.,) varieties, namely Almera and Diamant. International Research Journal of Biological Sciences. 4(3), 1-6.
- Modawi, Rashied S (2015) Action Plans to Overcome the Impact of Climate Change On Biodiversity and Food Security in Sudan. Third International conference on Global Warming: Food Security, 5-7 May 2015, Ras Al Khaima, UAE.
- مضوي, الرشيد و ضرار,حامد,وابراهيم,الطاهر,ومحجوب,عادل , و الوكيل, احمد (2002). مذكرة السلامة الحيوية والتنوع الحيوي. المجلس الأعلى للبيئة والموارد الطبيعية, الخرطوم, السودان.
- (On the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety to the Convention on Biological Diversity)
- مضوي, الرشيد سليمان (2004). التقانة الحيوية و إنتاج المواد والكائنات المعدلة وراثياً.
- ندوة الإطار القانوني لحماية البيئة والسلامة الحيوية. المجلس الأعلى للبيئة بالتعاون مع برنامج الأمم المتحدة والمرفق العالمي للبيئة GEF بالتعاون مع وزارة العدل. يونيو 2004 الخرطوم, السودان
- مضوي, الرشيد سليمان (1996) تطوير تدريس المفاهيم التقنية الحيوية في مقررات التعليم العام. الدورة التدريبية لموجهي العلوم حول إدخال مادة التقانة في مراحل التعليم العام.16-21 نوفمبر 1996م, العين, الإمارات العربية المتحدة.
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