Panorama About Sudan by Dr. Muhammad Atta Madani
In this panorama, Dr. Muhammad Atta Madani takes us on a journey through Sudan, a land that, sadly, may not return soon. He implores us to keep its memory alive in the eyes of our children, ensuring that future generations do not forget it. He encourages us to share this panorama with our fathers and daughters, telling the story of our wonderful homeland that the Lord of glory has bestowed upon us. Unfortunately, some of us did not appreciate its religious, historical, geographical, and cultural value, contributing to its fragmentation.
This homeland, with the features and potential of a superpower, is called Sudan. Let us make this homeland an icon of beauty cherished by the hearts of children, so they can transform it from a world of hatred, racism, and envy into one of love, brotherhood, and peace. Homelands are not built with guns and tombstones, but with arms that plant flowers.