SNAS organizational structure
- Date April 21, 2024
The Academy consists of the General Assembly and the Executive Committee. The general Assembly is the highest body in the academy. It shall be composed of eligible members and shall exercise its powers in accordance with provision of the Constitution and the Bylaw Its functions are:
- Ratification of the general policy of the Academy
- Ratification of short term and long term projects of the Academy
- Election or re-election of the Executive Committee members and holding them accountable to it.
- Make the final decisions regarding acceptance of those nominated for membership and the suspension or termination of membership.
- Ratification of the budget
- Ratification of the bylaw.
Meetings of the General Assembly
The General Assembly shall meet once a year in the presence of the representative of the Federal Mission for Humanitarian Aid. The meeting of the General assembly shall be chaired by the Chairman of the Executive Committee and by his Deputy in his absence. In the absence of both the meeting shall be chaired by the oldest member present. The corium for the General Assembly is simple majority (half the members + 1). In the absence of a corium a call for a second meeting shall be issued by the Executive Committee at least two weeks before the date set for the second meeting. In this case the meeting is held by those present. An extraordinary meeting may be called to by the Executive Committee or by 2/3 of the members of the General assembly. The General Assembly shall pass its decisions by simple majority vote of the members attending the meeting. The meeting of the General Assembly shall be conducted in accordance with decisions of the Executive Committee. Voting in the general Assembly shall be by direct public voting.
The Executive Committee and its functions
- Nomination for membership shall be made by a member from those present at the meeting of the General assembly provided that he had paid the subscriptions due to the Academy. The nomination shall be seconded by another member. Members shall be elected by simple majority voting
- The Executive Committee is charged with running the affairs of the General Assembly, its representation and the execution of the decisions made by the Assembly
- The Executive Committee shall set the programs of the General assembly for two years
- The Executive Committee is the authorized representative of the General Assembly and has the right to select one or more of its members to represent it.
- Setting the agenda for the general Assembly meetings
- The Executive Committee shall present a detailed report about its activities at the end of every fiscal year and prepare the annual address and the budget.
- Election of the Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, General Secretary and the financial Secretary
- Setting its own byelaws.
The Executive Committee consists of the following officers and committees
- The Chairperson whose duties shall be
- The Chairperson whose duties shall be
- Supervision and Following up on the activities of the Academy
- Supervision and Following up on the activities of the Academy
- Chairing the meetings of the Executive Committee and the General Assembly
- Representation of the academy in all functions
- Presentation of the annual address
- Calling for the meetings of the general assembly
2. The Vice Chairperson whose duties shall be
- To assume the duties of the Chairperson in his/her absence
3. Secretary General whose duties shall be to:
- Arrange for the meetings of the Executive Committee
- Keep all transactions of the Academy
- Keep the Seal and all documents belonging to the academy
- Draft letters bearing the Seal of the academy
- Raise the draft agenda of the General assembly meetings to the Executive Committee
4. The Financial Secretary whose duties shall be to:
- Keep the finances of the Academy
- Suggest ways and means of developing the financial resources of the Academy
- Introduce the financial statements at the end of the fiscal year
5. The Research and Studies Committee whose functions includes
- Prepare studies and research material in matters relating to the functions of the Academy
- Supervise the preparation of the plans, strategies and programs of the academy
- Supervise the preparation of papers of conferences and seminars organized by the Academy
6.The Information and Communications Committee whose functions are to:
- Supervise the establishment of an informatics unit
- Provide all committees of the Academy and researchers outside the Academy with information requested
- Establish liaison with local, regional and international academic institutions active in the area of science and technology. This shall be in collaboration with Public Relations Committee
- Work for the dissemination of the results of the various activities of the Academy. This shall be in collaboration with the Public Relations Committee.
7. The Projects Committee. Its functions shall be to:
- Plan, execute and evaluate projects
- Prepare activities accompanying projects planning and implementation
- Supervise all projects of the Academy
8. Public Relations Committee whose function shall be to:
- Establish and promote liaison between the Academy and other Academies and institutions
- Assist the Financial Secretary in raising funds for the Academy
9. Administration Secretariat
- Streamline and coordinate the various activities of the committees of the Academy
- Prepare for the meetings of the General assembly, the executive Committee and other units
- Supervise the secretarial activities, meetings and other activities
- Any other function requested by the Executive Committee
The source of funds of the Academy shall be through:
- Subscriptions by members
- Unconditioned donations
- Revenue from projects of the Academy. This shall be in accordance with local financial regulation governing investment in the Sudan
Commitment and punishment
Members of the Academy are committed to abide by the rules of this Constitution and should work for the achievement of its objectives and should abide by the decisions of the General Assembly and of the Executive Committee. Those who violate or do not abide by the said decisions shall be subject to the following:
- Notification
- Warning
- Suspension of membership
- Dismissal from the Academy
Ratification and amendment of the Constitution
The Constitution shall be ratified in the meeting of the General Assembly by two thirds of the attending members in the presence of a representative of the Commission for Humanitarian Aid.
Amendment of the Constitution shall be by 80% of the members in the presence of a representative of the Commission for Humanitarian Aid.
The Academy shall be dissolved in a meeting held for this purpose with the agreement of two thirds of the members in the presence of a representative of the Commission for Humanitarian Aid.
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